About Us

Reading Frame is a passion project that aims to make learning about genetics and genetic conditions more accessible for the public. It is a collaboration between genetic counselors, librarians, advocacy groups, and authors. While genetics is a complex and niche topic, it’s becoming an increasingly important aspect of medicine. By sharing our resources, we believe that we can improve public understanding and empathy by openly distributing books about the experiences of people living with genetic conditions.

Our most common questions

How did the website get its name?

It’s a scientific pun name! If you’re here, you probably like to read books. The cells in our bodies like to read our genes as if they are books too. The part of the gene that is “read” is called an open reading frame. Hence the name, Reading Frame!

Do I need a library card to use Reading Frame?

While this website is generously hosted by the Colorado State Library, you do not need a library card to access the materials we host. Although we still highly recommend obtaining your own library card with your local branch so you can check out the books that are reccomended by advocacy organizations. (Plus, a library card can help you access other fantastic resources!)

Where do the digital books come from?

The books uploaded on this website were voluntarily contributed by those in the genetics and rare diseases community. Some are by genetic healthcare professionals, others are written by family members or those with personal experience living with a genetic condition.

What types of books do you accept?

Reading Frame was initially focused on distributing children’s books about genetic conditions but we welcome donations geared towards adults as well. We highly value autobiographies or fictional stories that provide insight into daily life with a genetic condition. Above all, books need to be reflective of the current medical understanding and treatment of the condition.

How do I submit a book?

Thank you for choosing to share your hard work on Reading Frame! You can submit a book by pressing the button below. We request that book donations be submitted in a PDF file format. Your contribution will be reviewed before posting on the website. If you have any difficulties with submitting your materials, please use the “Contact Us” form that can be found at the bottom of this page.

I work for an advocacy organization, how do I submit a recommended reading list?

We are delighted that you want to share your recommendations with us! You can fill out a form by pressing the button below. Your list will be reviewed and formatted before posting. If you have any difficulties with submitting your materials, please use the “Contact Us” form that can be found at the bottom of this page.

I’m worried that I, or someone I know, has a genetic condition. Can you help?

Reading Frame is not intended for use as personal medical advice. We would recommend talking with a certified genetic counselor or other health professional if you have a concern about a potential genetic diagnosis. That’s the best way to have an individual disscussion about a genetic condition in your family. Many genetic counselors are available for remote consultation. You can find a certified genetic counselor through this link: Find a Genetic Counselor

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If you have other questions, we would love to answer them! Please feel to reach out using our contact form or email us at: contact@readingframe.org

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